Connectronics’ Outlook 2016

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The excitement of new possibilities always presents itself as we start the new year. It is also a time to plan for future events and prepare for how we will tackle upcoming challenges. Since making connections is what we do, we always have the knowledge to connect the industry to…

On Land, In Water, Up Above: Our Products Are Everywhere!

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Look around and nearly any place you encounter will have specialized connectors, cables and interconnection systems, many of which we manufacture at Connectronics. Why are they so common? Connectors, cables, and interconnection systems are used in just about every industry and the wide range of applications within each. Connectors, cable…

New Molding Machine Expands Our Capabilities

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This month, we will be adding a new molding machine for silicone processing to our operations at Connectronics. Once in place and ready to run, the machine will expand our capabilities to provide specialized electronic connectors for the industries we serve. The list consists of: aerospace, defense, entertainment, medical, energy…

“Manufacturing Day” Celebrates Careers, Reshoring Benefits, and Everything Happening in Industry Today

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On the first Friday in October the U.S. celebrates National Manufacturing Day. That being said, we have a lot to celebrate in the manufacturing industry 2015. Manufacturing Day is “a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers […] Although Manufacturing Day officially occurs on the first…

Revolutionizing the Material Handling Industry

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Material handling is a large component of the manufacturing industry. Moving raw materials and finished goods through production and after assembly involves various methods, systems, and equipment. Automated material handling solutions are a large part of today's manufacturing environment and is comprised of innovative products designed on improving competitiveness in…

Serving the Defense Industry with Pride

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Supplying the parts needed to fulfill the requirements of defense industry equipment must be handled by those who understand what is at stake. Today’s military and civilian security products range from aircraft to weapons systems and all contain advanced electronic components. As electronics have become integral parts of all types…