Keep Your Air Clean: Connectors Increase Miner Safety

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Keeping tabs on miner safety, we’re revisiting the progression on industrial air filters. If you missed our last post highlighting this critical issue, our company is working on valuable solutions to enable clean air in mines, reducing worker exposure to dangerous particles. Testing is Underway Our engineers are currently in…

Hyperloop Reaches 192 MPH!

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Elon Musk’s Hyperloop dream isn’t a reality yet, but it is moving forward. We first discussed how the Hyperloop functioned last year, and figured it’s time to check back in on the latest progress. Hyperloop One, one of the three startups working on the rail system, recently completed a test…

Recertification of Aerospace AS9100

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The International Aerospace Quality Group has recently released a newly revised AS9100 quality management standard that impacts companies like Connectronics, that are tailored to the aviation, space, and defense industries. Connectronics Corp. has been in business for close to 30 years making custom and specialized connectors and interconnection systems. We…

Connectronics Encourages Safety for Industrial Industries

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June is National Safety Month, and here at Connectronics we take safety seriously. We understand the importance of being safe in all industries we work with, particularly when our specialized connectors and interconnection systems are used in high reliability, high-voltage situations that can put worker safety at risk. We provide…

Workplace Organization Through Japan’s 5S System

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Here at Connectronics, our main focus is customer service. In order to serve our customers at the highest level, we work to continually improve upon everyday methods. When it comes to organizational tools, a Japanese system called 5S has been shown to increase productivity, while keeping things organized, clean, and…

Air Filters in Mining Keep Miners Safe

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Here at Connectronics, we understand the need to keep your employees safe. Safety can go well beyond prevention of injuries and falls; it can include the environment your employees are working in, right down to the air they are breathing in. One industry that continuously faces this struggle is the…

Protect Connectors & Cable Assemblies with Connectronics’ Corona Line

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“St. Elmo's Fire is a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by a coronal discharge from a sharp or pointed object in a strong electric field in the atmosphere (such as those generated by thunderstorms or created by a volcanic eruption).” What scientists have come to know is that St. Elmo’s Fire is an electrical discharge that occurs because of ionization of…