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Connectronics’ 2018 Manufacturing Outlook

While striving to finish 2017 on a strong note, industrial manufacturers already are looking forward to 2018 — and feeling pretty good about it. In a survey conducted by Intellitek Systems, 60 percent of manufacturers expressed optimism about the U.S. economy’s prospects during the next 12 months. Falling by more than 20 percent during the Great Recession, manufacturing output is now above its pre-recession peak. Moderate revenue growth is expected in the United States during 2018.

Among sectors where growth is expected in the next 12 months are aerospace and defense, nuclear, medical, and oil exploration.

Rising geopolitical tensions, terrorism and civil wars have given a boost to defense contractors, which, in turn, benefit the aerospace and defense industry. Gains are anticipated for aerospace manufacturers, specifically, thanks to a growing international market for weapons — developing nations expanding their defense spending — and the rise of new warfare technologies. The defense industry stands to gain from a sizable increase in the U.S. defense budget under President Donald Trump and rising spending by other major powers.

Nuclear power capacity is increasing steadily, with about 50 reactors under construction in 13 countries. Plant upgrades are significantly boosting capacity, and plant lifetime extension programs are maintaining capacity, particularly in the United States.

Strong growth is projected to continue in the medical industry amid demand for more advanced and personalized treatment; an increased availability of health care; and an aging population.

U.S. oil output is expected to reach a record high in 2018 as oil and gas companies employ better drilling methods and focus on their best wells to operate in a tough price environment.

Connectronics Corp., founded in 1988, is a designer and manufacturer of specialized connectors and interconnection systems for a variety of industries. Our management staff has more than 300 years of combined connector and interconnects experience in fields such as avionics, analytical instruments, aerospace, medical, nuclear, underwater, radar, oil exploration, and stage lighting.

Remember to follow our blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn to stay up to date. Contact us today with questions on our products.

Aerospace Engineering

National Manufacturing Day Highlights: Dispelling Industry Myths, Reshoring, the Skills Gap, and STEM EDC.

The annual celebration of modern manufacturing, National Manufacturing Day, is almost here. Landing on the first Friday in October, NMD is an important industry highlight for community groups and companies, including our team at Connectronics Corp. Thus, we are bringing you the details of the day so that you can make the most of it too.

What is National Manufacturing Day?

Manufacturing Day 2017 is Friday, October 6th. At least 2,100+ events across the nation will occur to commemorate all things manufacturing, with the goal to inspire the upcoming generation of manufacturers. It is on this day, organized by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), that manufacturers across the country invite community members into industry facilities to educate them about relevant career opportunities, dispel manufacturing industry myths, and spotlight how manufacturers influence communities.

Since it began in 2012, MFG DAY has seen participation rates significantly increase, from the amount of events to the number of visitors. All 50 US states and Puerto Rico regularly participate in National Manufacturing Day, and the resurgence of US manufacturing as of late is a welcome sight.

NMD 10.6.17


MFG DAY’s Implications

In 2016 alone, over 267,000 students took part in MFG DAY. When these students were later surveyed by Deloitte about their experiences, 67 percent expressed increased motivation in seeking a manufacturing career and 84 percent were more convinced that manufacturing offers intriguing, rewarding careers.

This is good news for reshoring enthusiasts, such as NAM, Connectronics, and many other US manufacturers. We support bringing jobs back home. Other National Manufacturing Day initiatives that we align with include bridging the US skills gap and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) learning.

NMD Event GrowthOur Commitment to Excellence

Connectronics Corp. commits to continually providing rugged and dependable connectors and interconnects for a range of commercial and industrial uses, from medical and avionics to radar, stage lighting, oil exploration, and nuclear. We position our quality products and services to exceed customer expectations.

Stay up to date on manufacturing developments and Connectronics news by following our blog, as well as connecting on Twitter and LinkedIn. Reach out and contact us today for your next project.



Workplace Organization Through Japan’s 5S System

Here at Connectronics, our main focus is customer service. In order to serve our customers at the highest level, we work to continually improve upon everyday methods. When it comes to organizational tools, a Japanese system called 5S has been shown to increase productivity, while keeping things organized, clean, and constantly improving. We are happy to implement some of these proven successful principals into our company processes and procedures. Here’s the breakdown…

Each “S” stands for the following:

1. Seiri – Sorting, Clearing, and Classifying
2. Seiton – Straightening, Simplifying, Setting in Order, and Configuring
3. Seiso – Sweeping, Shining, Scrubbing, Cleaning and Checking
4. Seiketsu – Standardizing, Stabilizing, Conforming
5. Shitsuke – Sustaining, Self-Discipline, Customizing, and Practicing

These five steps help to organize the workplace and working practices, creating a more efficient way of functioning. In English, the 5S can be roughly translated as Clearing, Configuring, Cleaning & Checking, Conformity & Finality, and Customizing & Practicing. According to the Kaizen Institute, the five steps follow this structure:

Sorting – Distinguishing the difference between what is needed and what isn’t needed in the area
Straightening – Arranging essential items so they are readily available and easy to use, in addition to identifying where items belong and making sure they get back to where they belong when a task is finished
Shining – Cleaning the equipment and workplace to ensure it stays in order and is easy to see anything that may be defective
Standardizing – Repeatedly reviewing the first three standards
Sustaining – Abiding by the rules to ensure standards and met and improvements are continually happening

Here at Connectronics, we look forward to implementing a fine combination of these practices. We are proud to better serve our customers in all industries we work with, such as avionics, aerospace, analytical instruments, defense, industrial, medical, nuclear, radar, oil exploration, and stage lighting.

For all the latest happening here at Connectronics, don’t forget to follow our blog, follow us on Twitter, or connect with us on LinkedIn, or click here to contact us directly.

Workplace Organization Through Japan’s 5S System

Military & Medical Fields – Green Updates Surround Earth Day 2017

With Earth Day coming up in April, a lot of focus is put on green initiatives, and how various fields of manufacturing are planning to further their push towards a more environmentally-sound and responsible existence. Few fields have pushed harder towards greening their processes and industry than medical and military.

Medical and military look to green their industries for differing reasons. In the military field, much of the drive comes from the desire to be mobile and to save lives. Refueling vehicles that are extremely dependent on oil leaves troops vulnerable to enemy attack, so converting fuel operations to renewables can reduce the amount of time troops spend in harm’s way. Additionally, utilizing solar panels allows for fast set-up of bases of operations, as well easy mobility of bases, allowing better movement and providing for different tactics.

As Reuters notes, this isn’t exactly new – between 2011 and 2015, military renewable energy projects nearly tripled. The reasoning behind it is that U.S. bases are being set up to operate independent of the public grid, using solar power and on-site generation. In the case of a natural disaster or attack, this could leave the important bases operating even if the public grid is down, allowing for response and recovery.

In comparison, the medical field is stationary, so it doesn’t need to go green to improve mobility. While there are a number of green initiatives coming, with suggestions such as greener waste disposal methods and water conservation high on the list, none is greater than the push to consume less energy or more responsibly-sourced energy. With energy making up an approximate 1%-3% of a typical hospital’s operating budget, cutting that back can make a huge dent.

Numerous hospitals have already tried reduction and succeeded – when Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut reprogrammed its heating and cooling plants, updated its light bulbs, and reengineered the air handling system, it saw a reduction in energy use by 35%, saving over $300,000 per year. The energy savings allowed the hospital to recoup its capital investment in the projects within six months – a shining example of how going green is not only great for the environment but can be great for the bottom line of a company. Many other hospitals and systems have, or are in the process of making a move to greener energy – University of Maryland Medical Center, Stony Brook University Hospital, and the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine are just some of the major cases.

At Connectronics, we focus on producing connectors and interconnect equipment for use with a wide variety of systems, including the latest in renewable and alternative energy sources. Keep up with all we are doing in the connector field by connecting with us yourself, through LinkedIn, Twitter, and here at our blog. Our regular updates include insight into our future plans, industry information, and much more.

For further questions on your projects and our products contact us today.

Earth Day in Military

Protect Connectors & Cable Assemblies with Connectronics’ Corona Line

St. Elmo’s Fire is a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by a coronal discharge from a sharp or pointed object in a strong electric field in the atmosphere (such as those generated by thunderstorms or created by a volcanic eruption).”

What scientists have come to know is that St. Elmo’s Fire is an electrical discharge that occurs because of ionization of gas (most of the time air) surrounding the conductor that is electrically charged, and can occur in high voltage systems. The corona ensues because the trapped air can’t be removed. Because of the ionization, corona discharge has a detrimental effect on equipment. Not only can it degrade equipment to the point of electrical breakdown, but it can also cause electrical interference.

Corona happens most frequently with coaxial types of cables. Because there are many individual strands inside the cable (conductor and shielding), there are many opportunities for air to become trapped and it is almost impossible to remove it. When the cables are mechanically assembled, it is difficult to eliminate the air between the high electrical potential conductor and the shield ground.

Connectronics’ Corona Line was designed to eradicate the corona effect by using over molded configurations to eliminate the air. A shield termination addresses electrical stress from strands captured between the inner and outer ferrule. A semiconductive layer over the center conductor allows the semiconductive layer and center conductor to be very close to the same potential thus nullifying the opportunity for the air to ionize. corona resistant cables need to be used with a compatible termination process in order to create a reliable cable that is corona resistant. One crucial spot where air needs to be eliminated is at the interface between the plug and receptacle. This problem is removed by using a tapered interface to exclude air by allowing the mating halves to expel the air as they mate to one another; in theory creating a homogenous mass of dielectric insulation.

At Connectronics we service and work with industries such as aerospace, the Department of Defense, entertainment, medical, nuclear, underwater, and industrial. We offer high voltage connectors, high current connectors, underwater cables and connectors, specialized connectors, Wiremax high voltage lead wires, and more. To find the right connector and cable assembly for your job, contact Connectronics and talk to one of the professionals that make up our over 300 years of combined experience with connectors and interconnect experience.

Corona Connectors

Connectronics Looks Forward to an Eventful 2017

At Connectronics we’re busy gearing up for an expansion in February and March of 2017. To date, we’ve been working with Wiremax in an operational location of 28,000 sq. feet, but the expansion will mean an additional 18,000 sq. feet of space. This extra room will be used for storage, an additional work area, and more flexibility to meet the growing demands of our customers and company.

Rubber insulators and molded componentsPart of the expansion of Connectronics is due to the growing needs of the aerospace, high-tech, and military industries. Producing our rubber insulators and molded components means customers are able to get the high powered capabilities they need from our newest molding machine.

At Connectronics, we thrive on innovation and providing our customers with answers to all their connection issues. Whether it’s for the aerospace, defense, medical, or entertainment industries, we strive to provide the necessary components in a timely manner. We are also looking forward to the latest in hyperloop rail systems.

Back in 2013, Elon Musk devised a hyperloop system that is able to transport people faster than any other land based transportation. It works by using a vacuum tube and capsules that carry each person. The pod is propelled through the tube by using electromagnets, which help suspend the container above the rails. In theory, the capsule could be propelled up to 750 mph. Once this speed is reached, it could glide for up to 100 miles. One benefit of this type of transportation would be the minimal energy it takes, with only five percent of the line using electricity.

Connectronics has also recently been involved in projects in Brazil which use industrial filters and with filtering air for coal miners workers using electrostatic filters. This coming year we look forward to continuing to serve our client base and keeping up to date on new developments that are happening. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog where we’ll take a look at the filtering projects more in depth.

In the meantime, don’t forget to follow our blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages throughout the year!

From the team at Connectronics, we wish you a happy and healthy new year!


Connecting Talent to Need: Connectronics Supports National Manufacturing Day

We have all heard the statisticsnmd-logo-oct-2016

The US manufacturing sector has contributed close to $2.17 trillion to the economy in 2015.

The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte have jointly estimated that about 3.5 million manufacturing jobs will open up over the next 10 years.

With the recent spate of reshoring activities and better trade relations with the developing world, seems like production is back at the forefront of the US GDP!

There is one serious issue though that has the entire country scrambling to find counter measures. It is known as the “Skill Gap.”

Out of the fabled 3.5 million vacancies, about 2 million will go unfilled because of a lack of suitable candidates.

The world wants US products. But the nation’s hands are tied. Unless it can get graduates and school students to change their perception of manufacturing and take an active interest in the industry, there is no way to capitalize on the influx of opportunities that have already started coming its way.

The National Manufacturing Day is An Effective Step in the Right Direction:

Within a few short years, the National Manufacturing Day has caught on in terms of popularity. Celebrated every year on the first Friday of October, it is a ritualistic mingling and connection of demand (manufacturing companies) and talent (school and college students) in an authentic setting.

Businesses invite potential employees into the very heart of their manufacturing operations and give them a glimpse of what it is like to be working with cutting edge technologies like robotics to create everything from weapons to medical equipment. Students who will be helming the ship of production in the coming few decades get to realize the benefits of a career in manufacturing like better pay, more health and welfare perks and direct involvement in strengthening the infrastructure of the country.

They walk away from the experience enriched and informed. Experts are hopeful that the National Manufacturing Day held this October the 7th will take forward this understanding and clarity resulting in a spontaneous bridging of the Skill Gap.

Connectronics Has Been a Mainstay of Manufacturing:

A recognized custom producer of specialized connectors and interconnection systems that supply:

Connectronics Corp. understands the importance of manufacturing like no other and wholeheartedly supports the endeavor of the National Manufacturing Day.

Connectronics Corp. Sets New Standards for Customer Satisfaction

It is easy to delight and dazzle customers in fields like retail and hospitality. There is an inherent component of luxury to these experiences that technical sectors find difficult to replicate. Keeping in mind this restriction, Connectronics Corp. has developed a culture of client satisfaction through matchless quality and meticulous attention to requirements and details. Who said swank surroundings are required to ensure happy buyers? When the Customer Serviceoutput matches exactly what was desired, even complicated connectors and interconnection systems can bring some serious satisfaction.

 The Legacy of Connectronics Corp:

Connectronics is a market leader when it comes to supplying reliable and robust High Voltage Connectors, High Current Connectors, Underwater Connectors, and Cable Assemblies to myriad industries spanning the spectrum of medical, avionics, analytical instruments, aerospace, nuclear, underwater, radar and oil exploration, and stage lighting.

Our reputation is based on a faultless 360-degree system that rests on the tenets of exceeding expectations, continuous upgrades and in-house manufacturing improvements, lucid understanding of customer requirements, gauging of customer satisfaction and quality assurance of the development, design and manufacturing processes.

Connectronics is proud to hold both ISO 9001:2008 and AS9100C registrations for strict quality management across all its departments and divisions.

 The Delivery Sequence That Always Puts the Buyer First:

Connectronics Corp. believes in relinquishing responsibility only when the consignment reaches the premises of the buyer. Our proactive monitoring of procurement of the highest quality raw material, innovative CNC machine tools and best in business skilled technicians has led to the creation of a process that makes the most of the cumulative 300 years of hands-on experience that the team boasts.

  1. The orientation session is all about extracting what the client requires in the deliverables. The touch point is between a buyer representative and an experienced consultant who understands the customer’s industry and the project specs.
  2. The critical component parameters are then modeled for proper evaluation of the design and to ensure integrity in extenuating client site circumstances.
  3. The actual production involves fully trained and qualified manufacturers who have mastered the application of latest CNC machining techniques. Frequent inspections are also carried out to highlight possible defects and optimize design.
  4. After validation of external and internal electrical and engineering characteristics, the items are carefully packaged and delivered to the client.

Connectronics Corp. strives to make each interaction with a buyer better than the last experience. We have set a new benchmark for excellence in service delivery by offering clients end to end connector solutions that get it right – the first time. Contact us for details and price lists.

Don’t Forget About Safety! June is National Safety Month

It seems like a “duh” moment now, but safety wasn’t always a priority in the workplace or on the roads. Remember back before seat belts, GFCI outlets, and OSHA? Safety was a reaction to a problem not a forethought. In some instances that is still the case but it is more sensible to think about risks and problems before they happen. One organization, the National Safety Council makes it their mission to raise awareness of the idea that “safety is no accident.”

Since it is June and we are talking about safety, our personal area of expertise is the safe use of electrical devices. Ever since electricity was invented, people have been getting hurt. Preventing electrical shock is a top priority in systems running on high voltages and amp. In the 1990s there was a successful push for electrical safety regulations. These regulations have prevented accidental deaths due to electrocution. When safety systems are in place and used properly, that’s when people are protected.

In response to regulations, we developed the Safety Lock Series that permits safe handling Safety Lock Image 1of powerful electrical connections. Proper power distribution is the prime issue for safety. Controlling the power through a “first-in/last out” ground safety feature makes it difficult to improperly connect any power until connection between the ground and neutral has been made. There is no easy way to tamper with or bypass this system as the ground and neutral connections cannot be disconnected until all other power lines are disconnected. This system can be used in the field or in stationary panel boards and no special tools or maintenance is required.

The safety lock power distribution system from Connectronics meets military specifications and has been proven reliable under severe conditions. This system offers protection when using permanent, temporary, or emergency electrical connections such as in generators, film or sports lighting, construction, military operations, or carnivals.

In honor of safety month, remember that when using powerful electrical devices it’s safety first! Contact Connectronics to learn more about our products and services.

New Push/Pull Connectors Feature Quick Coupling Mechanism

Responding to the needs of our customers and the industries we serve, Connectronics isPush pull connector image - Feb. 2016announcing the release of a new product—the Connectronics PNP Series connectors. This new connector is a product line extension of the High Voltage Lead (HVL) Assemblies ½ series.

As part of our Push N Pull connector series, the new PNP connectors offer a push-pull quick coupling mechanism that holds the connectors in a fully mated condition by use of a canted coil spring. The mated connectors have an operating voltage rating of 10 KVDC through extreme temperature ranges (-55°C to +125°C) and altitudes (to 70,000 ft.).

Although small in size, these lightweight connectors provide extreme reliability and peak performance in applications such as CRT/displays, power supplies, radar, lasers, medical equipment, and ECM equipment. This series does not permit field assembly, so lengths of cable/wire need to be specified prior to ordering.

With the introduction of a new PNP connector, Connectronics continues to be a leader in the design and manufacture of specialized electrical connectors and interconnection systems. Our broad industrial base includes fields such as avionics, aerospace, medical, analytical instruments, nuclear applications and more. Our commitment to excellence and continual product and process improvement ensures that we consistently deliver the highest quality products that meet the needs of our customers.

To learn more about our newest product and all other products in the HVL ½ line series, please view our online catalog or contact us directly.