Connectronics’ 2018 Manufacturing Outlook
While striving to finish 2017 on a strong note, industrial manufacturers already are looking forward to 2018 — and feeling pretty good about it. In a survey conducted by Intellitek Systems, 60 percent of manufacturers expressed optimism about the U.S. economy’s prospects during the next 12 months. Falling by more than 20 percent during the Great Recession, manufacturing output is now above its pre-recession peak. Moderate revenue growth is expected in the United States during 2018.
Among sectors where growth is expected in the next 12 months are aerospace and defense, nuclear, medical, and oil exploration.
Rising geopolitical tensions, terrorism and civil wars have given a boost to defense contractors, which, in turn, benefit the aerospace and defense industry. Gains are anticipated for aerospace manufacturers, specifically, thanks to a growing international market for weapons — developing nations expanding their defense spending — and the rise of new warfare technologies. The defense industry stands to gain from a sizable increase in the U.S. defense budget under President Donald Trump and rising spending by other major powers.
Nuclear power capacity is increasing steadily, with about 50 reactors under construction in 13 countries. Plant upgrades are significantly boosting capacity, and plant lifetime extension programs are maintaining capacity, particularly in the United States.
Strong growth is projected to continue in the medical industry amid demand for more advanced and personalized treatment; an increased availability of health care; and an aging population.
U.S. oil output is expected to reach a record high in 2018 as oil and gas companies employ better drilling methods and focus on their best wells to operate in a tough price environment.
Connectronics Corp., founded in 1988, is a designer and manufacturer of specialized connectors and interconnection systems for a variety of industries. Our management staff has more than 300 years of combined connector and interconnects experience in fields such as avionics, analytical instruments, aerospace, medical, nuclear, underwater, radar, oil exploration, and stage lighting.
Remember to follow our blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn to stay up to date. Contact us today with questions on our products.
2017 Industry Review
This year has been a continued series of industry connections to advance new technologies both at Connectronics and other related sectors. Some of the top innovations we’ve noted throughout 2017 include: air filters to keep miners safe, JUICE, and Hyperloop.
Internally, our team has taken on a project for large air filters in coal mining. Without top of the line air filters, miners are exposed to contaminated air from dirt and dust particles. Without advances in air filters, coal miners can contract diseases like pneumoconiosis, or miner’s lung/black lung disease, from unfiltered air. Our specialized air filters capture and remove tiny particles to purify the air making underground illnesses a thing of the past. The system carries away particles from the mine resulting in cleaner air within both the workspace and surrounding area. For more information on our underground air filters, read our November 2017 filter updates.
Externally, we’ve been keeping an eye on two major industries that we serve: aerospace and transportation. As we last reported on in August, the ESA has been busy working on a large mission in their Cosmic Vision program. Run by the second largest space contractor, Airbus Defense and Space, “JUICE” is expected to launch come 2022. The mission will help us answer the life-long questions like, are there habitats beyond Earth that can sustain life in our solar system? The team will investigate three large and icy ocean-bearing moons: Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Two concepts will be studied: What conditions are present for the formation of planets? And what conditions are present for life to emerge?
Elon Musk’s Hyperloop will also soon be a reality. The concept was put forth by Elon Musk in 2013. Instead of running on a track, the Hyperloop envisions pressurized capsules moving through reduced-pressure tubes. Electromagnetic capabilities allow the passenger capsule/car to hover above the rails. It is theorized that the passenger car will be able to reach speeds of 750 mph.
These kinds of revolutionary progressions drive the Connectronics’ team and our industry to innovate. We look forward to the new technologies that will come into play in 2018 and will make sure to keep our audience informed as new developments emerge.
To stay in the loop on field advancements like air filters, JUICE, and Hyperloop continue to follow us on our blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts. For any questions simply contact us today.
We wish you a very happy holiday season and look forward to being in touch come the new year!
Keep Your Air Clean: Connectors Increase Miner Safety
Keeping tabs on miner safety, we’re revisiting the progression on industrial air filters. If you missed our last post highlighting this critical issue, our company is working on valuable solutions to enable clean air in mines, reducing worker exposure to dangerous particles.
Testing is Underway
Our engineers are currently in the process of conducting large-scale tests of the air filter. One aim is to measure the benefits of the new system. The other is to ensure that we are designing the best filter possible for optimal, effective, and lasting end results. The Connectronics connectors have been in place since the beginning of September. They are the source that cleans the air through static electricity within the mine.
How the Filters Work
Underground operations, i.e.) coal mines, generate an enormous amount of dust. Specialized air filters can capture and remove tiny particles to purify the air. Using the filter is straightforward; first, close access to the mine, and then turn on the filter. The filtering system works to carry away dust and dirt particles from the mine. The process results in cleaner air within the workspace and surrounding areas; for example, the cloud over that mining area should dissipate after the filter’s efforts are complete.
Illness Prevention
The air filter prevents dust that would otherwise be in the air from entering the miners’ lungs. Long term, this innovation could stop respiration of contaminated air from developing into potential lung disease.
Before this type of equipment, coal miners typically contracted pneumoconiosis, or miner’s lung/black lung disease. Inhaled dust is trapped within the lung, scarring the tissue, which then culminates into thick scar tissue. This results in coughing, breathing disorders, an influx of phlegm, and even premature death, in severe cases.
As industrial air filters achieve their goals, underground illnesses will no longer be an issue.
Industrial Connectors
At Connectronics, we design, manufacture, install, and service specialized interconnect systems and connectors for a range of industries. Along with providing these components for mining applications, we also work with other industries, including aerospace, defense, medical, oil exploration, and nuclear.
To help you stay up to date on cable assemblies, related industry trends, and updates like the one you’ve just read, follow our blog, reach out on Twitter, or use LinkedIn to connect with our friendly team.
Contact us today to discuss how our high voltage and high current parts can benefit your business too!
National Manufacturing Day Highlights: Dispelling Industry Myths, Reshoring, the Skills Gap, and STEM EDC.
The annual celebration of modern manufacturing, National Manufacturing Day, is almost here. Landing on the first Friday in October, NMD is an important industry highlight for community groups and companies, including our team at Connectronics Corp. Thus, we are bringing you the details of the day so that you can make the most of it too.
What is National Manufacturing Day?
Manufacturing Day 2017 is Friday, October 6th. At least 2,100+ events across the nation will occur to commemorate all things manufacturing, with the goal to inspire the upcoming generation of manufacturers. It is on this day, organized by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), that manufacturers across the country invite community members into industry facilities to educate them about relevant career opportunities, dispel manufacturing industry myths, and spotlight how manufacturers influence communities.
Since it began in 2012, MFG DAY has seen participation rates significantly increase, from the amount of events to the number of visitors. All 50 US states and Puerto Rico regularly participate in National Manufacturing Day, and the resurgence of US manufacturing as of late is a welcome sight.
MFG DAY’s Implications
In 2016 alone, over 267,000 students took part in MFG DAY. When these students were later surveyed by Deloitte about their experiences, 67 percent expressed increased motivation in seeking a manufacturing career and 84 percent were more convinced that manufacturing offers intriguing, rewarding careers.
This is good news for reshoring enthusiasts, such as NAM, Connectronics, and many other US manufacturers. We support bringing jobs back home. Other National Manufacturing Day initiatives that we align with include bridging the US skills gap and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) learning.
Connectronics Corp. commits to continually providing rugged and dependable connectors and interconnects for a range of commercial and industrial uses, from medical and avionics to radar, stage lighting, oil exploration, and nuclear. We position our quality products and services to exceed customer expectations.
Stay up to date on manufacturing developments and Connectronics news by following our blog, as well as connecting on Twitter and LinkedIn. Reach out and contact us today for your next project.
Hyperloop Reaches 192 MPH!
Elon Musk’s Hyperloop dream isn’t a reality yet, but it is moving forward. We first discussed how the Hyperloop functioned last year, and figured it’s time to check back in on the latest progress.
Hyperloop One, one of the three startups working on the rail system, recently completed a test Hyperloop track in Nevada. Named the DevLoop, it is 500-m of straight track that is large enough to carry real passengers. The new full-size test track will allow the company to expand testing of the mag-lev technology used to run the system. Magnetic-levitation enables the car, or pods, to carry passengers while running through the tunnel without rails or friction. One of the latest tests reached a top speed of 192 mph .
Hyperloop One showcased 11 potential routes that they believe would have economic impact on many parts of the country. The ability for workers to commute with high-speed travel would enable manufacturers to move to cheaper area and allow workers to live farther from expensive cities. They are also exploring areas in Europe where Hyperloop travel could create economic unifications and develop city-to-city connections within reasonable commuting range.
The first full-scape test was completed on May 12th.
A new report just released expects that the Hyperloop technology market is expected to be valued at 1.35 billion in 2022. It could reach 6.34 billion by 2026. As with all new technology, there are many unknowns. What is known is that developers and builders of this new technology will require support from manufacturers and OEMs to develop and create the parts they need in order to make the ideas become a reality.
At Connectronics we frequently work with designers and engineers on cutting edge technologies. Many of these developments wouldn’t be possible without the specialized connectors and interconnection systems that are custom made for each application. In new technology, such as the Hyperloop, a company that can deliver specialized components is invaluable.
With almost 30 years in the industry, we bring the expertise and experience to a wide range of industries. As new technologies emerge, we will continue to make the connections.
To stay in touch with all the latest industry and company developments, read our blog or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us today.
We look forward to connecting with you soon.
The Mission That Will Help Us Answer: Is There Life Beyond Earth?
The European Space Agency (ESA) has been busy working on a large mission in their ESA Cosmic Vision program. The mission, headed by the second largest space contractor, Airbus Defense and Space, is expected to launch in 2022. The project coined ‘JUICE’ is an acronym taken from JUpiter ICy Moons Explorer. JUICE’s goal is an attempt to answer to the life-long question: are there habitats beyond Earth that can sustain life in our solar system?
JUICE will be Europe’s first mission to Jupiter with the intent of exploring potentially habitable worlds that might present themselves near gas giants. The mission to Jupiter will investigate three large and icy ocean-bearing moons: Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Two concepts will be studied:
- What conditions are present for the formation of planets?
- What conditions are present for life to emerge?
After a launch from Ariane 5, JUICE will travel 7.5 years. The Explorer will use gravity to help pull it along saving energy and fuel as it circles Earth, Mars, Venus, and—the final destination—Jupiter. Once in the orbit of Jupiter, JUICE will remain for over 3.5 years and will finish the mission by looping Ganymede. This will make it the first spacecraft to orbit an icy satellite in the outer regions of our Solar System.
A wide range of instruments will record data, including optical sensors, radars, plasma and particle sensors, and more. Powered by a solar generator, the 5.5 ton JUICE will enable the spacecraft to produce enough energy for the mission, even in Jupiter’s reduced solar environment.
Here at Connectronics, we’re excited to see the JUICE mission take off as we work with the aerospace industry and many associated companies. As a custom manufacturer of specialized connectors and interconnection systems, we work with high voltage and high current connectors for industries such as aerospace, analytical (radars), avionics, commercial/industrial, defense, medical, nuclear, and oil exploration.
We invite you to learn more about Connectronics and stay up to date on the various industries we work with. Continue to read our blog, follow us on Twitter, or connect with us on LinkedIn for your latest industry updates.
Recertification of Aerospace AS9100
The International Aerospace Quality Group has recently released a newly revised AS9100 quality management standard that impacts companies like Connectronics, that are tailored to the aviation, space, and defense industries.
Connectronics Corp. has been in business for close to 30 years making custom and specialized connectors and interconnection systems. We consistently work with high voltage and high currents for a wide range of industries such as aerospace, defense, commercial/industrial, medical, nuclear, and oil exploration.
Some of the notable changes to the revised standard include incorporating ISO 9001:2008, expanding to include the defense industry, emphasizing product and process improvement, and defining new terms such as risk, critical items, and special requirements. Industries such as aviation, space, and defense use the AS9100 to establish, create, and maintain quality requirements within their industries in an effort to improve the integrity of their products and their processes.
In addition to improving integrity, the standards established also mean that customers know they can depend on the products they’re buying. Whether they need cable assemblies for entertainment lighting, nuclear applications, or anything in between, Connectronics adherence to industry standards means customers can rely on getting the highest quality products that are manufactured with streamlined processes.
Connectronics has long been using ISO standards and is in conformance with AS9100C, complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and AS9100C Quality Management Systems. The registration covers the Quality Management System for the design and manufacture of specialized custom high voltage and high current cables and connectors.
When it comes to quality in cable assemblies, Connectronics has the right product for any job. Our cable assemblies can be used in a wide range of applications that require high voltage, high current, and high reliability. The products manufactured by Connectronics can also be used in extreme environments such as space, underwater, altitude, sand and dust and hot or cold.
To learn more about Connectronics, you can read our blog, follow us on Twitter, and connect on LinkedIn. To find out more about how Connectronics can help your project, contact us today.
Connectronics Encourages Safety for Industrial Industries
June is National Safety Month, and here at Connectronics we take safety seriously. We understand the importance of being safe in all industries we work with, particularly when our specialized connectors and interconnection systems are used in high reliability, high-voltage situations that can put worker safety at risk. We provide our top-quality parts to trades such as aerospace, defense, medical, nuclear, commercial/industrial clients, and more. Here is more about the important annual event on safety.
What Exactly Is National Safety Month?
National Safety Month takes place in June, focusing on raising awareness of safety in the workplace, as well as at home and on the road. By learning how to be safe at work, organizations have the opportunity to influence behaviors to reduce injuries and death.
This special month is sponsored by National Safety Council (NSC). The NSC’s weekly themes for June 2017 are preventing falls, reducing fatigue, prepping for potential active shooter situations, and ergonomics.
Being Safe in the Workplace
Connectronics takes safer approaches within industrial industries to safeguard all involved, whether it is National Safety Month or any other time of the year. Electrical hazards can cause serious injury and even death, as well as damaging property and causing fires.
Thus, we believe in following sound safety procedures and educating others in them to reduce these hazards. From fitting employees with personal protective wear to teaching emergency responses and fire extinguisher training, we practice what we preach.
Unfortunately, electrical hazards cannot be completely eliminated. However, the National Safety Council offers a handy electrical safety resource guide that includes a hazard observation checklist and other valuable points to increase workplace safety while setting up high-voltage or high-current connectors and related jobs.
Championing Electrical Safety
Connectronics is proud to practice safety year round and direct you to NSC resources for a safer workplace and environment. We support the National Safety Council throughout June and commit to making everyone in our organization a leader in safety.
Don’t forget to follow our blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn to stay up to date! Contact us to learn more about our safety culture or how our lineup of precise, reliable connectors and interconnection systems can advance your next project.
Workplace Organization Through Japan’s 5S System
Here at Connectronics, our main focus is customer service. In order to serve our customers at the highest level, we work to continually improve upon everyday methods. When it comes to organizational tools, a Japanese system called 5S has been shown to increase productivity, while keeping things organized, clean, and constantly improving. We are happy to implement some of these proven successful principals into our company processes and procedures. Here’s the breakdown…
Each “S” stands for the following:
1. Seiri – Sorting, Clearing, and Classifying
2. Seiton – Straightening, Simplifying, Setting in Order, and Configuring
3. Seiso – Sweeping, Shining, Scrubbing, Cleaning and Checking
4. Seiketsu – Standardizing, Stabilizing, Conforming
5. Shitsuke – Sustaining, Self-Discipline, Customizing, and Practicing
These five steps help to organize the workplace and working practices, creating a more efficient way of functioning. In English, the 5S can be roughly translated as Clearing, Configuring, Cleaning & Checking, Conformity & Finality, and Customizing & Practicing. According to the Kaizen Institute, the five steps follow this structure:
• Sorting – Distinguishing the difference between what is needed and what isn’t needed in the area
• Straightening – Arranging essential items so they are readily available and easy to use, in addition to identifying where items belong and making sure they get back to where they belong when a task is finished
• Shining – Cleaning the equipment and workplace to ensure it stays in order and is easy to see anything that may be defective
• Standardizing – Repeatedly reviewing the first three standards
• Sustaining – Abiding by the rules to ensure standards and met and improvements are continually happening
Here at Connectronics, we look forward to implementing a fine combination of these practices. We are proud to better serve our customers in all industries we work with, such as avionics, aerospace, analytical instruments, defense, industrial, medical, nuclear, radar, oil exploration, and stage lighting.
For all the latest happening here at Connectronics, don’t forget to follow our blog, follow us on Twitter, or connect with us on LinkedIn, or click here to contact us directly.
Military & Medical Fields – Green Updates Surround Earth Day 2017
With Earth Day coming up in April, a lot of focus is put on green initiatives, and how various fields of manufacturing are planning to further their push towards a more environmentally-sound and responsible existence. Few fields have pushed harder towards greening their processes and industry than medical and military.
Medical and military look to green their industries for differing reasons. In the military field, much of the drive comes from the desire to be mobile and to save lives. Refueling vehicles that are extremely dependent on oil leaves troops vulnerable to enemy attack, so converting fuel operations to renewables can reduce the amount of time troops spend in harm’s way. Additionally, utilizing solar panels allows for fast set-up of bases of operations, as well easy mobility of bases, allowing better movement and providing for different tactics.
As Reuters notes, this isn’t exactly new – between 2011 and 2015, military renewable energy projects nearly tripled. The reasoning behind it is that U.S. bases are being set up to operate independent of the public grid, using solar power and on-site generation. In the case of a natural disaster or attack, this could leave the important bases operating even if the public grid is down, allowing for response and recovery.
In comparison, the medical field is stationary, so it doesn’t need to go green to improve mobility. While there are a number of green initiatives coming, with suggestions such as greener waste disposal methods and water conservation high on the list, none is greater than the push to consume less energy or more responsibly-sourced energy. With energy making up an approximate 1%-3% of a typical hospital’s operating budget, cutting that back can make a huge dent.
Numerous hospitals have already tried reduction and succeeded – when Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut reprogrammed its heating and cooling plants, updated its light bulbs, and reengineered the air handling system, it saw a reduction in energy use by 35%, saving over $300,000 per year. The energy savings allowed the hospital to recoup its capital investment in the projects within six months – a shining example of how going green is not only great for the environment but can be great for the bottom line of a company. Many other hospitals and systems have, or are in the process of making a move to greener energy – University of Maryland Medical Center, Stony Brook University Hospital, and the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine are just some of the major cases.
At Connectronics, we focus on producing connectors and interconnect equipment for use with a wide variety of systems, including the latest in renewable and alternative energy sources. Keep up with all we are doing in the connector field by connecting with us yourself, through LinkedIn, Twitter, and here at our blog. Our regular updates include insight into our future plans, industry information, and much more.
For further questions on your projects and our products contact us today.