The International Aerospace Quality Group has recently released a newly revised AS9100 quality management standard that impacts companies like Connectronics, that are tailored to the aviation, space, and defense industries.

Connectronics Corp. has been in business for close to 30 years making custom and specialized connectors and interconnection systems. We consistently work with high voltage and high currents for a wide range of industries such as aerospace, defense, commercial/industrial, medical, nuclear, and oil exploration.

Some of the notable changes to the revised standard include incorporating ISO 9001:2008, expanding to include the defense industry, emphasizing product and process improvement, and defining new terms such as risk, critical items, and special requirements. Industries such as aviation, space, and defense use the AS9100 to establish, create, and maintain quality requirements within their industries in an effort to improve the integrity of their products and their processes.

In addition to improving integrity, the standards established also mean that customers know they can depend on the products they’re buying. Whether they need cable assemblies for entertainment lighting, nuclear applications, or anything in between, Connectronics adherence to industry standards means customers can rely on getting the highest quality products that are manufactured with streamlined processes.

Connectronics has long been using ISO standards and is in conformance with AS9100C, complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and AS9100C Quality Management Systems. The registration covers the Quality Management System for the design and manufacture of specialized custom high voltage and high current cables and connectors.

When it comes to quality in cable assemblies, Connectronics has the right product for any job. Our cable assemblies can be used in a wide range of applications that require high voltage, high current, and high reliability. The products manufactured by Connectronics can also be used in extreme environments such as space, underwater, altitude, sand and dust and  hot or cold.

To learn more about Connectronics, you can read our blog, follow us on Twitter, and connect on LinkedIn. To find out more about how Connectronics can help your project, contact us today.

Recertification of Aerospace AS9100

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