Here at Connectronics, our main focus is customer service. In order to serve our customers at the highest level, we work to continually improve upon everyday methods. When it comes to organizational tools, a Japanese system called 5S has been shown to increase productivity, while keeping things organized, clean, and constantly improving. We are happy to implement some of these proven successful principals into our company processes and procedures. Here’s the breakdown…

Each “S” stands for the following:

1. Seiri – Sorting, Clearing, and Classifying
2. Seiton – Straightening, Simplifying, Setting in Order, and Configuring
3. Seiso – Sweeping, Shining, Scrubbing, Cleaning and Checking
4. Seiketsu – Standardizing, Stabilizing, Conforming
5. Shitsuke – Sustaining, Self-Discipline, Customizing, and Practicing

These five steps help to organize the workplace and working practices, creating a more efficient way of functioning. In English, the 5S can be roughly translated as Clearing, Configuring, Cleaning & Checking, Conformity & Finality, and Customizing & Practicing. According to the Kaizen Institute, the five steps follow this structure:

Sorting – Distinguishing the difference between what is needed and what isn’t needed in the area
Straightening – Arranging essential items so they are readily available and easy to use, in addition to identifying where items belong and making sure they get back to where they belong when a task is finished
Shining – Cleaning the equipment and workplace to ensure it stays in order and is easy to see anything that may be defective
Standardizing – Repeatedly reviewing the first three standards
Sustaining – Abiding by the rules to ensure standards and met and improvements are continually happening

Here at Connectronics, we look forward to implementing a fine combination of these practices. We are proud to better serve our customers in all industries we work with, such as avionics, aerospace, analytical instruments, defense, industrial, medical, nuclear, radar, oil exploration, and stage lighting.

For all the latest happening here at Connectronics, don’t forget to follow our blog, follow us on Twitter, or connect with us on LinkedIn, or click here to contact us directly.

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